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What Is a Wheat Allergy?


Wheat allergy is a reaction to the proteins in wheat. Symptoms include eczema, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, asthma and sneezing/watery nose.

Treatment is avoidance of wheat products such as bread, biscuits, muffins and cakes. Starches that can be eaten are rye bread, barley, oats, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and maize meal, and the flours from these starches.

Gluten allergy is more severe and all wheat products, as well as rye, barley and oats need to be avoided. Starches that can be eaten include potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, rice noodles and maize meal. Many gluten-free breads and pastas are available in select stores. Since so many foods need to be avoided, visit a dietitian to help you with an eating plan and understanding food labels.

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