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Where Is the Marshall Islands and What
Is It Known For?


Coral reef, Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It is often simply grouped with the other island countries in the area as Micronesia. The country is made up of five high islands and twenty-nine atolls that roughly form into two strips.

The main atolls are Majuro, Kwajalein, Jaluit, Enewetak and Bikini. Majuro houses the central government, most of the country’s businesses, and an estimated 50 percent of the country’s population.

The climate is tropical — hot and humid, but tempered by trade-winds which prevail throughout the year. The average temperature hovers around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and rarely fluctuates. This is one of the most outstanding features of the climate, in fact, the range between the coolest and the warmest months averages less than 1 degree Fahrenheit. Also interesting is the fact that nights, although they feel cooler, are actually 2-4 degrees warmer than the average daily minimum, this is because the lowest temperatures usually occur during heavy showers in the daytime.

One hundred and eighty species of coral can be found on Arno Atoll, and 156 on Majuro Atoll. All five of the world's species of marine turtles have been found in the Marshall Islands; two of which nest in the islands. As many as 27 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises may occur in Marshallese waters. Over 250 species of reef fish have been found; most are edible. Tuna and game fish are abundant in Marshallese waters.

About half the workforce is employed in farming or fishing. Tourism is a small source of foreign exchange and the islands depend heavily on aid from the USA.

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