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Read, Learn, Achieve: Help for Reading
Disabilities and Learning Difficulties

  • Does your child have a learning difficulty?
  • Is your child battling to concentrate, or is his memory poor?
  • Does he read slowly and hesitantly, or does he read with poor comprehension?
  • Does he confuse letters like b and d?
  • Does he spell words as they sound, for example "rite" for "right"?
  • Is he struggling to reach his full potential?

These are some of the problems that we deal with at Edublox Reading and Learning Clinic.

At Edublox we address the causes of reading and learning problems. Because we address the causes and not the symptoms, we are able to solve reading and learning problems effectively. The outcome is improved reading and learning ability, which leads to improved academic performance, simultaneously building the learner's self-image and improving his self-confidence. We thus create a basis for lifelong learning.

The video Read, Learn, Achieve explains some of the theoretical principles on which our methods are based, shows snippets of what we do in practice and contains interviews with a few of our clients.

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