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Logical Reasoning: Deductive and Inductive

In logic, there are two broad methods of reaching a conclusion, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion that is guaranteed to follow, if the evidence provided is true and the reasoning used to reach the conclusion is correct. The conclusion also must be based only on the evidence previously provided; it cannot contain new information about the subject matter. The alternative to deductive reasoning is inductive reasoning.

One of the aims of Edublox is to teach a child logical reasoning by means of carefully graded logical thinking exercises. For example, in the first example of Logical Thinking exercise 1 a child or children would be asked to arrange a sequence of colored blocks in front of them, from left to right.

Reasoning exercise

One would then ask the child or children: “If you had to add one more color to the above sequence, which color would you choose?” The answer, of course, is green.

Gradually this exercise becomes more and more challenging. Below is one of the more advanced examples:

Reasoning exercise

One would ask the child or children: “If you had to add four colors to the above sequence, which colors would you choose?”

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